One month ago today, our little man was still all warm and cozy in my belly. We had no idea he was going to join us that day. What a surprise!! Needless to say, our lives have changed 100% in the past month. Our days pretty much consist of diapers, feedings, walking, rocking, singing, baby talk {not to each other}, and of course, taking lots of pictures. I really don't know what we did before we had Miller. He is so much fun!
I was going to edit the photo, but decided to leave the baby acne and dry skin on his forehead...just to remember.
I'm going to take this same shot every month. Him in the chair in his room with his bear named 'Honeycutt'. My mom {Grammy} got it for him and that really is it's name!
Love his little jeans.
At 1 month:
He eats about every 3 hours {sometimes more often}
Is sleeping a lot less during the day.
And more at night!! {he didn't wake up to eat until 5am this morning. We got him a new 'bed' last night and I think he likes it!}
He's still a LOUD sleeper...grunts, moans, yells, squeaks.
He squeaks when he yawns. I love it.
He is so strong..always holding is head up when he's up on your shoulder.
He is a funny boy..he makes so many funny faces.
Wears size 1 diapers.
Wears 0-3 month clothes and even some 3-6, even though they are a little big.
His favorite song is 'Jesus Loves Me', because that's what I sing to him. :)
Loves to be held and walking around. I think he's a little spoiled already.
Likes going for walks and sleeping in his stroller.
Watches tv. Really.
I totally got lucky with catching this smile on camera. Although I like to think he really was smiling at me. (even though he's not looking in my direction) Any day now...